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AfricaCom 2013: Call for speakers
AfricaCom, Africa's premier communications congress and exhibition returns to Cape Town, South Africa in November this year for what is expected to be its biggest and best year yet. The event organisers are now calling on speakers to apply to speak on various topics.
The conference programme covers the most strategic issues affecting companies in Africa's digital market - services, efficiency, profitability, customer experience, partnerships, policy and more - and includes no less than 6 co-located events: Digital Music, Mobile Money, AfricaCast, AfricApps, Cloud and Big Data.
Share your message
If you want to make your marks on Africa's digital market, AfricaCom is the place to be. Being a speaker at the conference will allow you to achieve even more than just attending: it will give you an unrivalled platform to share your message with the market's decision makers and to get noticed by the decision makers.
As a speaker, you'll address over 2,000 conference delegates. Predominantly operator CxOs, they represent the "cream" of the attendees. Having an audience with the most coveted group at AfricaCom, is why a speaking slot is one of the most sought after positions at the event.
Bigger and wider reaching, this year's AfricaCom conference encompasses more topics than ever before. With 11 special focus sessions running simultaneously, there will be no compromise on the depth of your discussion and you'll be guaranteed a very targeted and relevant audience to deliver you better results.
Here are just some of the topics to be addressed:
- Business models & partnerships
- Mobile Broadband & LTE
- Efficiency & Cost Management
- Customer experience management
- Content & apps
- Mobile Money
- Digital music
- Roaming & Interconnect
- Infrastructure sharing
- Cloud Computing Services
- TV Services
To apply for a speaking slot, submit a speaking proposal including a presentation title and outline (a paragraph or 4-5 bullet points), your biography and your company's profile to Julie Rey, research director of the Com World Series at moc.amrofni@yer.eiluj.
Submissions to speak will close on Wednesday, 9 May 2013.
For more, go to http://africa.comworldseries.com/call-for-papers