Registration open for AFREECON 2009
The conference aims to create business practices that mutually benefit African nations and businesses from around the world. It will feature keynote addresses, open forums, briefings, facilitated discussions and specialty events. AFREECON hopes to develop more effective strategies for achieving sustained industrial growth, lasting economic development and international investment for African nations.
The conference plans to host a group of speakers presenting on topics including Africa's economic and industrial status quo, economic development strategies, countertrade techniques etc. Confirmed speakers include Dr. Ian Giddy, Professor of Finance at New York University's Stern School of Business, Dr. Vijay Mahajan, the John P. Harbin Centennial Chair in Business at McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas-Austin, Dr. Dambisa Moyo, economist and author of Dead Aid: Why Aid is Not Working and How There is a Better Way for Africa, William Strickland Jr., President and CEO of Manchester Bidwell Corporation, Dr. Paul Tiyambe Zeleza, future Dean of Loyola Marymount University's Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts, in addition to other experts, leaders and academics.
The event also aims to serve as a networking opportunity with special events to encourage speakers and attendees to converse and collaborate. Special events taking place during AFREECON include group lunches at Navy Pier, evening receptions, 2-hour meet and greet sessions and a gala dinner celebrating African culture and cuisine.
AFREECON hosts companies with branches or subsidiaries in the African region, companies looking to diversify, entrepreneurs in search of new opportunities, exporters interested in selling in Africa, non-profits with Africa-related projects and money managers seeking joint venture endeavors. The cost of attending AFREECON is US$1,995, with a discounted rate of US$1,750 given to those registering prior to 15 August 2009.
For more information and to register, go to