Roads to prosperity in the headlights
Throughout mankind's history, the economic growth, as well as social and cultural development of society has been a direct consequence of its capacity of building and organising equipment that would become its extractive, agricultural and farm raising, commercial, industrial activities and of more efficient activities. This may be directly connected to community, like schools, hospitals, basic sanitation, for instance, or directed to strategic infrastructure like energy, communication and, mainly, roads.
The highways connect cities, regions and countries; they make possible not only commercial trades, but also technological, cultural and human interchanges. The commercial routes that were created and reestablished made the European cultural and economic rebirth possible. During this time, a lot of technology and knowledge were applied on construction and organisation of highways that became essential to the economic growth and social development of modern States.
Africa, which has been treated as supplement of dominant economies for centuries, now takes actively part of the globalised era. Actually the economic situation of the countries of the continent is rising and many nations have reached high rates of growth, showing economic vitality and pointing for an improvement on quality of life of their people.
This economic African growth has propelled many investments for the improvement and growth of highways, encouraging debates and reflections about the issue and public policy planning to guide investments and conduct highway management, in a way that they become more necessary, extrapolate it including the frontiers of nations.
In this context that the congress will have seven central themes:
· Expropriations
· Policies and Techniques of Toll
· Technologies and Local Materials
· Environment
· Financing and Investment
· Highway Security
The congress continues the actions and proposed resolutions at I African Congress of Highways, held in Argiers, Algeria, in December 2005, that set as goals the effective cooperation for a harmony development of African highway sector, and the capitalisation of African experience and the defense of interests of Africa in the international plan.
The meeting happens every three years to stimulate reflections about the highway development of Africa. Its structure comprehends two organs: the Permanent Committee of Ministers whose presidency was confirmed during the first congress; and the Permanent Technical Committee of Coordination, open to specialist participation of all states of the continent.
The African Congress of Highways has a big responsibility, it is an event of continental proportions that can accelerate the economic growth of nations interact nations, unite Africa as one voice and take the welfare for all Africans.
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