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18th Poetry Africa International Festival in October
The Poetry Africa Festival brings together some of the world's finest poets and musicians to Durban, with artists from the African continent and beyond.
Poetry Africa is looking for four of Durban's brightest undiscovered poets to take part in the Prelude Poet programme which gives the city's creative and original poets the opportunity to showcase their hidden talents to audiences at the country's premier poetry festival.
Participants will be required to audition original works with a five minute limit. Auditions will take place at The Centre for Creative Arts (University of KwaZulu-Natal Howard College Campus) on 5 September 2014. Auditions will be assigned on a first-come-first-serve basis. To book an audition time, send an email with full names and contact details with Poetry Africa Prelude Auditions in the subject title to az.oc.nzku-acc@acirfayrteop.
For more, go to or call (031) 2602506.