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10 Great SEO Tips, Part 2
Search engines have taken on the role of parents doling out rewards as well as punishment to companies building websites. The punishment comes from two sources. For one, the search engines are flawed, often unable to work with various types of information.
"At one time, search engines could not make sense of PDF data, but that was one shortcoming that the vendors were able to overcome," said Andrew Frank, a research vice president at Gartner (NYSE: IT).
The other set of problems comes from companies bending - and in many cases, knowingly breaking - rules in order to have their results displayed more prominently. "Because of the high stakes involved in search, scams have become rampant in the industry," George Chaney, president of SEO King, told TechNewsWorld.
Read the full article here.
About Paul Korzeniowski
Paul Korzeniowski is a journalist for TechNewsWorld.