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UK-based academy launches innovative job creation schemes
A number of innovative, practical job creation schemes designed to tackle acute youth unemployment and gang violence in developing countries have been launched by the London-based Academy of Innovation and Management.

The schemes are Public Sector Employment Generation Solutions (PSEGS), Public-Private Partnership Job Creation Solutions (PPPJCS), and Youth
Literacy Engagement and Entrepreneurial Training Solutions (YLEETS).
Each scheme guarantees job and training place for the unemployed young person.
PSEGS is designed to address high unemployment problem among university and polytechnic graduates by getting bright graduates of maths, science and English Language into teaching. To ensure that the best candidates are matched to available jobs and training places, the academy offers pre-employment skills testing solutions that focus on the technical and analytical skills needed by the candidate to succeed in the role.
PPPJCS is a win-win job scheme for both the government and the private sector. It is designed to provide high/technical skills to young people as well as aid workplace productivity.
The third scheme, YLEETS, is aimed at governments facing challenges in dealing with youth violence and state insecurity.
Each of these schemes comes with build-in review, monitoring and evaluation designed to guarantee results and assure quality. The Academy of Innovation and Management's Adam Smith Centre for Research into Innovation and Enterprise is responsible for the scheme's review, monitoring and evaluation.
In his comments, Dr James Ogunleye, executive director of the Adam Smith Centre for Research into Innovation and Enterprise, said: "In our view, there are three principal factors responsible for the problem of security in many developing countries. Youth illiteracy, youth unemployment and ineffective security measures including a virtual absence of intelligence policing. YLEETS is designed to address the root cause of security problems arising from youth illiteracy and youth unemployment".
He added: "the Academy of Innovation and Management solutions are both strategies to prevent and actions to address youth gangs and violence".
To ensure that the job creation schemes are tailored to the needs to regions across world, the Academy of Innovation and Management has appointed a number of experts to oversee the specific needs of governments in across different parts of the world. Dr Gertrude Shotte, Dr Kwaku Ofosu-Asare and Rajesh Pathak will serve as the directors of Government Relations for the Caribbean, Africa and South East Asia respectively.
For more, go to www.acadmanagement.co.uk.