'Apply with LinkedIn' - The future of job applications
On the company's blog, technical product manager, Jonathan Seitel said that LinkedIn's goal "is to help every professional put their best foot forward, anywhere across the web, when they take that leap to apply for a new position, a dream job".
The plugin appears as a button much like, Twitter, Facebook or Google +1, which companies can embed on their site. By clicking the button, users are able to submit their LinkedIn profiles as their resume.
The plugin allows you to send messages to your contacts within the company to ask for a referral once your profile has been submitted. If you don't know anyone at the company, LinkedIn will show you someone who can give you an introduction.
LinkedIn says this is the real power behind the service, because the company says that statistics show that referrals are the number one source of external hires at companies.
Read the full article on www.memeburn.com.
Source: Memeburn

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Michelle Atagana is the managing editor of www.memeburn.com.Related
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