Hill+Knowlton Strategies expands Africa footprint

"Corpcom has worked as an affiliate agency to H+K Strategies for 14 years. Through this relationship we've enjoyed an incredible exchange of knowledge and access to some of the world's top communications experts. While we are very proud of the advisory work we do at the C-suite level, this change will allow us to broaden our service range and enter new sectors. We're ready to take the next step and become a fully-fledged H+K Strategies office," said Roz Thomas, the newly appointed managing director of H+K Strategies South Africa.
Other African offices
H+K Strategies entered the sub-Saharan Africa region in May 2009 through a joint venture with Scangroup - a Kenyan-based marketing and communications firm listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) - with an office opening in Nairobi. In the past four years the firm has opened offices in Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Tanzania and Rwanda.
Globally, H+K Strategies has 90 offices in 52 countries with a client base that represents 50 percent of global Fortune 500 companies. The South African office will offer clients a broad range of services such as corporate communications, marketing communications, internal communications, sports marketing and sponsorship, digital communications, issues and crisis consultancy and public affairs.