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B2B in a Web 2.0 world, Part 1: Digital media relations
It used to be so simple. A public relations specialist would send press releases to the major papers, make some calls, and read his client's news in the paper the next day. However, the emergence of Web 2.0 means the entire PR game has changed.
Seeking competitive advantage and profitability through good relations with the social media, the B2B (business-to-business) world has energetically embraced the grand online colloquy known as the two-way talk-back "conversation".
Blogs, vlogs, e-communities and social networks, Internet forums, message boards, chat rooms, wikis, podcasts, webcasts, videocasts, RSS (really simple syndication) feeds - these online social media platforms are now in play in the B2B relationships that organisations have with their vendors, suppliers, partners, contractors and other third-party value-chain entities leading all the way to the end customer. Social media-based approaches to B2B marketing - treating business contacts as consumers first - emphasize listening to what those contacts have to say.