Entry call for 2010 AiM Film Festival

17 African countries are marking 50 years of independence this year, and the documentaries should explore the legacy of colonisation, liberation struggles, independence and nationalism of any of these countries.
Submissions can also explore other themes of celebration from historical, traditional as well as contemporary perspectives - music and dance celebrating African creativity; documentaries dealing with African traditions, rituals, initiation and rites of passage ceremonies; mask-making and wearing, clothes and costume designing and wearing, culinary traditions, tattooing, jewellery and decorations such as sculpture, wall painting and architecture.
The deadline for entries is 30 April 2010. African film specialists will select the films to be included and these will be announced by the end of August 2010. For full submission guidelines and to download the entry form, go to www.africa-in-motion.org.uk/callfordocs
Short film competition
African filmmakers are also invited to submit short films of up to 30 minutes for Africa in Motion's third annual short film competition.
The competition is targeted at young and emerging African film talent; filmmakers who enter must not have completed a feature-length film previously.
A shortlist from all the entries will be announced by the end of August 2010. The competition winner will be chosen by a high profile jury of local and international film specialists and established African filmmakers.
All shortlisted films will be screened at the festival. In addition to the overall winner selected by the jury there will be an audience choice award announced at an awards ceremony at the end of the festival in October 2010.
The deadline for short film competition entries is 31 May 2010. For full submission guidelines and to download the entry form, go to www.africa-in-motion.org.uk/shortfilmcomp