Quick hits around the African tech scene
Umbono: Google's South African Incubator
In Cape Town, Google has initiated a tech incubator that gives 6 months of free space, US$25-50k startup funding and access to an extensive mentoring network. The secret sauce here is in the angel & mentor network, who will be providing 50% of all investment money, while Google provides the rest. Johanna Kollar leads this initiative, and tells me they're looking for at least five companies to get behind in this first go at it, though if there are enough exceptional applicants, they might do more. If you're a registered business in South Africa, then you can participate. (more on the Google Africa blog)
The BoBs
Deutsche Welle runs the "Best of Blogs" awards each year, showcasing excellent blogs from all over the world. If you haven't yet, take a few minutes and vote for your favorites. There are quite a few from North Africa.
Read the full article on www.memeburn.com.
Source: Memeburn

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