Africa invited to participate in One Click One Pic Project

On 24 October 1946, the first photo of the earth was taken at an altitude of 65 miles by a 35-millimetre motion picture camera riding on a V2 missile launched from the White Sands Missile Range in America.
One Click One Pic aims to record a single point in history from across the globe. Depending on how many participants the project gets will determine how much of earth is captured. HEAPFO, created by Gaven Ferguson, hopes to catch at least one image from every country, including Antarctica.
"We have even already got one photographer who is jumping out of a plane at the right time to catch the earth from above. Would be great to get one from outer space (who knows)," says Ferguson.
On completion of the project, HEAPFO plans to possibly create a publication, which would include a full DVD of all images, for historical purposes. All proceeds and profits from the project will be donated to a charity, scholarship for photography or worthy cause as determined by the participants. This will be determined at a later date.
For updates on the project, go to A map is available to view which countries are involved so far.
For more information go to