Digital media platform for African finance needs repurposed

“We are excited about our new website and the improved access it provides users to our resources,” said MFW4A coordinator, David Ashiagbor. “For anyone looking for relevant information related to financial sector development on the continent, the newly designed website allows for an enriching and user-friendly experience.”
In addition to the user-friendly design, new functions and features have been implemented. “We focused on making our content more accessible,” said Boipelo Sekgororoane, the project manager on the website redesign. “The new site provides improved accessibility to over 2500 resources on the African financial sector including publications, country and thematic profiles, news, events and showcases MFW4A’s unique activities.”
Created with various stakeholders in mind, visitors can now benefit from rich and relevant content related to financial sector development on the continent.
The new design will provide a better and easier experience for the website 60,000 per year visitors and encourage others to connect to carry MFW4A’s mission forward.
Source: African Press Organisation

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