Global inequalities and the digital future dissected by media

The exhibition Unequal Scenes by Johnny Miller, a photographer, journalist and founder of the pan-African organisation AfricanDRONE, focuses on the conference’s topic Global Inequalities. His drone footage will be screened for the first time in public. Miller, who lives in Cape Town, South Africa, will attend the GMF to present his project.
Experts from media, politics, culture and society shape the conference and join the 60 partners participating this year. The GMF has established itself as the largest international media conference in Germany and as "The place made for minds".
The conference will feature agenda-setting topics, interdisciplinary panel discussions, internationally renowned experts, multimedia formats and a diverse supporting program. The annual Freedom of Speech Award will also be announced.
The program, information about the speakers, the events in the live stream, an overview of the partners and further services can be found on the website.
Is Western media only covering bad leaders from African countries that the US, the EU,... don’t have strategic interests in? Yes, but that’s nothing new, says @africasacountry’s Sean Jacobs. “That’s historically how the West has covered [African countries.]” #dw_gmf
— Global Media Forum (@DW_GMF) 12. Juni 2018
Digitisation challenges
European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, Mariya Gabriel, will give a keynote address on Monday on how Europe intends to meet the challenges of digitisation. Among the prominent guests are Afghanistan's former President Hamid Karzai and Iranian political scientist Sadegh Zibakalam, this year's laureate of the DW Freedom of Speech Award.
Michelle Müntefering, minister of state at the Federal Foreign Office, and North Rhine-Westphalia's Prime Minister Armin Laschet, will also speak at this year's DW media conference. WDR Director Tom Buhrow will speak about the benefits of public service broadcasting as a guarantor of comprehensive, balanced reporting in an increasingly fragmented world.
DW Freedom of Speech Award
The DW Freedom of Speech Award honours a person or initiative taking an outstanding position for human rights and freedom of expression. DW Director General Peter Limbourg will present the award to Iranian political scientist Sadegh Zibakalam on June 12. On International Press Freedom Day on May 3, Limbourg said the award represents both an "encouragement to Iranian civil society and a reminder to the political leaders in Tehran to respect the right to free expression".
Media Innovation Lab Day
On June 13, the conference’s Media Innovation Lab Day will focus on internet governance, big data and other technical challenges for media and journalism. The day promises insights into innovative projects and will be presented in a variety of interactive formats.
DW and partner organisations will offer MindTalks, presentations and workshops. Interested parties can test new tools and have ample opportunity for networking, for example with young companies presenting themselves in a start-up competition.
The GMF 2018 is co-hosted by the Foundation for International Dialogue of the Savings Bank in Bonn, with the BMW Group as a premium partner. Other sponsors include the German Federal Foreign Office, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, the State Government of North Rhine-Westphalia and the city on Bonn.