World media told to speak for voiceless poor countries
Nairobi - Chowdhury who served as the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States, said the media should step up its attention on the needs of ‘voiceless' developing countries when dealing with cyclones, floods, prolonged droughts and other environmental effects of climate change.
The High Representative warned that at the United Nations development agenda would lose credibility if those countries among the most vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change were to be sidelined in the climate change debate.
Chowdhury had earlier in the day presented Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General with a report on The Impact of Climate Change on the Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States.
“Though their (‘voiceless' developing countries) cause needs urgent attention, somehow, because of their smallness, structural difficulties and their own inadequacies, their voice does not get heard,” said Chowdhury.