Humanitarian media journal for Africa

Perspective: Africa includes content by renowned writers and photojournalists, as well as previously non-published writers, to expand the interest base in humanitarian media. Content includes essays, photojournalism, art, interviews with thought leaders, cultural reviews and vox populi on a diverse range of subjects, including civil and human rights, economic, social, and environmental issues.
“For too long, the world has only seen the ‘dark side’ of Africa. Perspective: Africa aims to present a more holistic and balanced view of the wide diversity of an often overlooked continent,” said executive editor, Leigh Barrett.
Barrett, a South African journalist whose media experience includes television production, newspaper columnist, and radio production and presentation in South Africa and America; has also worked with New York-based journal, MIPJ: Media, Information, International Relations, and Humanitarian Affairs as an editor, contributor, and producer/host of the critically-acclaimed MIPJ Podcasts.
“Perspective: Africa’s goal is to dispatch sacred cows to the outer limits by presenting well-researched arguments which might serve to change long-held beliefs, such as issues facing homosexuals in Africa, female genital mutilation, and the all-important cost of education. We welcome feedback and constructive debate,” says Barrett.
Perspective: Africa is a multimedia endeavour, with a print and digital journal, and with audio podcasts being introduced in 2016. Print content is currently distributed by Ingram, the world’s largest and most trusted distributor of content, with over 39,000 retailers, eRetailers, libraries, educational institutions and other distribution partners, via its partnership with MIPJ, and digital editions are available across all global sites.
The next in the series, Perspective: Europe and Middle East will be launched in August, and submissions for content for both Africa and Europe and Middle East are being accepted now, with guidelines posted on the website.
One goal of Perspective Publications is to provide a platform for all voices, and Barrett welcomes non-professional writers and photographers, with every effort made to assist budding journalists in getting their work published.