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IQPC appoints Amava Communications as its PR and publicity partner
Amava Communications has been contracted by the International Quality and Productivity Centre (IQPC) to publicize its Annual Management and Leadership Development for Women in the Public Sector and State Owned Enterprises conference which runs from 18 - 21 April 2005.
The conference will also launch the Outstanding Women in the Public Sector and Public Enterprise Awards. This is the first initiative aimed at honoring excellence in women leadership in the public sector. The prestigious awards ceremony will take place on 20 April 2005 at the Sandton Convention Centre, and will form part of IQPC conference.
Amava Communications is a 100% black owned specialized publicity and media relations consultancy. The Sandton Convention Centre, one of Amava's initial clients since inception in May 2004, has also retained the small agency to handle its PR & Publicity account for 2005. Amava Communications also produces internal publications for M-Net's Human Resources Division.