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Chevron in global sponsorship deal with Supa Stikas
Chevron has announced a new global sponsorship deal with the African soccer comic series, Supa Strikas.
After three years of backing the super stars in Africa, the sponsorship agreement signed between Strika Entertainment and Chevron in San Ramon, California gives the global energy company right of first refusal to become the headline sponsor in all existing and future Supa Strikas markets.
Supa Strikas is currently published in seven countries in partnership with the largest circulating newspaper in each country. The series enjoys a combined circulation of approximately one million copies per month, across seven counties. It has an estimated readership of around 10 million people. Supa Strikas is distributed as a supplement to the Sunday Times in South Africa.
Chevron's subsidiary, Caltex, has sponsored Supa Strikas in South Africa and several other African countries for more than three years. This new sponsorship agreement will see the sponsorship extended to Texaco markets, initially Nigeria.