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The International Marketing Council of SA appoints new partners for 2005
The International Marketing Council of South Africa is proud to announce its new partners for the Brand South Africa account.
From the initial 61 submissions received for the tender proposal, potential suppliers were short listed and the selected companies were invited to present their vision for Brand South Africa to the tender panel.
The selection process was not easy but after a few weeks of presentations, the IMC's selection panel is absolutely certain that the suppliers who emerged on top will add phenomenal value to the branding of our country.
The Brand South Africa account has been awarded to the following successful suppliers, who will start handling the business from March 2005: TBWA Hunt Lascaris will be responsible for above-the-line advertising while Tequila does below-the-line and design. The IMC's public relations will be handled by Meropa Communications, and three companies will carry out the research for Brand South Africa, namely, Kuper Research, Africa Now and Research Surveys. The Brand Ambassador Training Programme has been awarded to The Fearless Executive. Two previous partners, Media Compete and Big Media retain the media buying and web portal management for the Brand South Africa account.
We congratulate the companies who were successful and look forward to branding our country with a team that is Alive with Possibility.
"All of the winning companies went beyond the brief and delivered exciting ideas, which will help us to mobilise South Africans at home and abroad."
~ Yvonne Johnston, CEO of the International Marketing Council of South Africa